I hope that you have enjoyed visiting my website and that you've found the material engaging and captivating. Obviously, there are copyright restrictions on my work and the contents of this website, it's important that the copyright is respected, as is the case for all photographers and writers who invariably work hard to produce their work. For your information, here's the copyright declaration that covers my independent images and writings, as well as your visit to my website.
All content and information (Content) contained in this site, including, without limitation, images, written text, graphics, sounds, video as well as all of the code that is not proprietary to squarespace.com (the hosting company of this website) is the exclusive intellectual property of KEVIN SHOLDER and is protected by United States trademark and copyright laws, as well as state, national and international regulations. The logos and all other trademarks, names, logos, and icons identifying goods and/or services are KEVIN SHOLDER’s proprietary marks. Adobe, Photoshop, Lightroom, Legion Paper, Moab, Somerset Museum Rag, Canon and NIK Software are all registered trademarks of the respective companies.
Content MAY NOT BE DOWNLOADED other than temporary downloading needed for viewing through a web browser, any other downloading, modifying, publishing, transmitting, displaying, performing, distributing, selling, reproducing, combining or incorporating with any other material any of the Content is strictly prohibited (this includes any and all torrent sites). None of the Content found on this website may be copied to any electronic device, reproduced, manipulated, stored, projected or manipulated or altered in any way that exists today, is imagined for tomorrow or in the future. This means specifically any form of digitization or synthesizing of any of such images by themselves, in conjunction with, or adapted to, any type of material or media that exists now, in the future, in the known universe and in any universes yet to be discovered.
Use or exploitation in any manner of any Content contained on this website other than for incidental viewing requires written permission from KEVIN SHOLDER or his legal assignees. Payment of fees for Content usage is expected unless another written arrangement has been reached with KEVIN SHOLDER or his legal assignees.
None of the Content on this website is in the public domain. Absolutely no permission is granted for any use of any Content found on this website in part or in whole or as the basis or foundation for any other art. All of those rights are reserved and any use without express permission from KEVIN SHOLDER or his legal assignees is in violation of applicable United States, state, national and International trademark and copyright laws and regulations.
KEVIN SHOLDER will vigorously protect his copyright interests. In the event that an infringement is discovered you will be notified and invoiced for a fee not less than TEN TIMES the industry standard and / or prosecuted for copyright infringement. Use of this site is expressly on these conditions that embody all of the understandings and obligations between the parties involved.
Neither KEVIN SHOLDER or his legal assignees will be liable for damages arising out of or in conjunction with the use of this website or its contents. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory; direct, indirect or consequential damages; loss of data, income or profit; loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties.
Reproduction rights for images may be obtained via licensing. Please contact Kevin Sholder if you have any questions about copyright or the licensing my images.
Copyright © 1985 - 2025 Kevin Sholder. All rights reserved.